Social and Economic Empowerment of Adolescent and Youth
Supported By: Dachser India Pvt. Ltd.
Facilitated by: Help for Children in Need Foundation
Year 2023-24
Brief Introduction
Muzaffarpur, Bihar, an aspirational district, faces significant educational challenges despite its proximity to the state capital. The project aims to enhance education and livelihood opportunities across 10 villages in Paro block, Muzaffarpur.
Project Objectives:
- Capacitate 200 girls and young women on social and economic issues.
- Improve infrastructure in 10 schools for a conducive learning environment.
- Empower 40 families socially and economically.
Key Activities and Achievements
Output 1: Capacitation of 200 girls and young women
- Baseline Survey: Conducted across 10 villages to assess social, economic, and educational status post-Covid.
- Youth Groups Formation: 10 youth groups formed with 209 girls; 20 leaders selected.
- Awareness Generation: Events like World Environment Protection Day and International Women’s Day celebrated, engaging 150 youth and 500 women respectively.
- District Level Youth Network: Formed with 40 members, trained on Sustainable Development Goals.
Output 2: Infrastructure Support in 10 Schools
- School Infrastructure Support: Improved facilities in 8 out of 10 schools, focusing on essentials like fans, toilets, and water tanks.
- Children’s Groups: Formed in all schools, conducting 82 meetings on rights, cleanliness, and constitutional values.
- School Level Events: Organized competitions and educational activities, involving 301 children.
Output 3: Social and Economic Empowerment of 40 Families
- Establishment of Training-cum-Production Centres: Set up charkha training centers, trained 40 women in yarn production.
- Entrepreneurship Development: Trained 100 entrepreneurs in various trades, provided financial support to 34 beneficiaries.
- Linkages and Sustainability: Women trained in charkha production generating income, enhancing self-reliance.
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